HelpPay talks Christmas with Karalee Katsambanis of Money News Radio 6PR

HelpPay's co-founder Rowan Wilde, discusses that possibly the best Christmas gift of all this year is offering a bit of financial relief by paying some or all of a family member or friends bill.

11 November 2022

It might sound controversial, it may even be taboo, but instead of giving someone more 'things' could the best gift of all be offering to spend the money you would have spent on a tshirt or a trinket, to help pay someone's bill?

Christmas is coming, and we all know what that means: shopping! But do people really need more things or do they need financial security?

The answer is probably, in a way, a bit of both. People love receiving things, but this year with cost of living raging, maybe the best gift of all is the lights being on for another month, or the water bill paid, so people feel that bit more secure.

HelpPay's co-founder explains: "let's say your budget for your friend is $50. What if you give them a $20 gift and spend $30 helping pay their electricity bill, gas bill, water bill or car registration? Ultimately it's not much different from a gift-card, but the person receives the added relief that comes from not being under financial pressure or worrying about bills in January, as much.

Listen to Rowan's interview with Karalee Katsambanis - Host of Money News Radio 6PR Nine Radio, below.

HelpPay talks Christmas with Karalee Katsambanis - Host of Money News Radio 6PR Nine Radio

About HelpPay 

HelpPay, a 100% Australian owned company, is a new social fintech and business platform with patent pending technology in the payments industry that takes the stigma out of asking for help and the effort of providing help. HelpPay turns every bill into a shareable link and payment page, and, uniquely, guarantees financial help given towards a bill only goes to the provider. HelpPay has undertaken market research to address customers and providers when handling debt.

HelpPay takes all the pain points and customers' experience in the cycle of asking, giving and getting financial help today. HelpPay is also significantly cheaper for providers when managing their accounts receivable and less stressful for customers than traditional methods such as phone calls, sending letters and using debt collection agencies.