Split and share bills

We've made it easy and transparent to share, split and pay bills.

No subscription fees. No BNPL debt.

Some bills transaction fee free.

Get the app now.

No subscription or account fees

One easy link does everything

Payments attract credit card points

Payments go to the right company. Receipts every time.

Upload, Share, Get your bill paid.

Create a HelpPay account

Download HelpPay from your app store or visit helppay.app

Upload your bill

Add in your bill's BPAY details, the amount due and due date

Share your bill

Share your bill link with family, friends, house mates - whoever! All payments are transparent & receipted

Credit card points

Every payment attracts credit card points and always go to the right account at the right company.

Bill sharing made easy

HelpPay will generate a payment page and secure bill link that can be shared with anyone.

It only takes a few seconds to get started.

HelpPay is available on Apple, Android and online with our web version

Channel 9 Special Report About HelpPay

Our Facebook group is here to help

Community is everything. That is why we have created our Facebook Community for people struggling with their bills, to get the help they need from other community members looking to help others.

So if you need a bit of help with a bill or want to help someone - join us today, we would love to have you.

Need help asking for help?

Our help hub is full of great tips and guides.