HelpPay welcomes Sarah Tinsley to their Board of Directors

Release Date: 16 March 2023

We are incredibly excited to let you know that Sarah Tinsley – Culture Amp’s General Counsel and Company Secretary - is joining HelpPay’s board.

Sarah brings 18 years of experience in law, working for some of Australia’s best known brands including Fairfax, The Australian Radio Network, Commercial Radio Australia and is currently General Counsel and Company Secretary at Australian Tech Unicorn – Culture Amp. Sarah is also a committee member on the Tech Council of Australia and a Non-Executive Director of Korowa’s Anglican Girls’ School, School council.

Of HelpPay, Sarah says “Since the moment I heard about HelpPay I have loved the brand and its goal of making helping easier. All too often when people need help they’re held back by how much effort it is and the many questions they think they’ll face about if money given to pay a bill will pay that bill, but HelpPay’s technology takes all those questions away. From share houses, to supporting family across a city, a state or across the country, HelpPay really is the easiest way to ensure money given to someone to help them out goes exactly where it should.”

HelpPay co-founder Andrew Ellett, says of the appointment “We are delighted to welcome Sarah Tinsley to HelpPay’s board. Sarah brings a wealth of experience in law, technology, capital raising and media that is invaluable for HelpPay and the journey we are on.”

Please join us in welcoming Sarah to HelpPay’s board and follow the announcement and commentary on LinkedIn.

Media Contact

Alexander Liddington-Cox


M: 0474 701 469

About HelpPay

HelpPay, a 100% Australian owned company, is a new social fintech and business platform with patent pending technology in the payments industry that takes the stigma out of asking for help and the effort of providing help. HelpPay turns every bill into a shareable link and payment page, and, uniquely, guarantees financial help given towards a bill only goes to the provider. HelpPay has undertaken market research to address customers and providers when handling debt.

HelpPay takes all the pain points and customers' experience in the cycle of asking, giving and getting financial help today. HelpPay is also significantly cheaper for providers when managing their accounts receivable and less stressful for customers than traditional methods such as phone calls, sending letters and using debt collection agencies.